17 May 2011

Brief storyboard

Me and Loanne met up in the library after the FMX trip and quickly drew a story for the E4 project. 

The clip starts with blinking eye, which is a medium that connect the world and us.

Scene1 connects to the picture in a book in scene 2, book is a old form of media.

This scene connects to the scene 4, which is a screen of a tv. TV is an important two dimensional of a mass media because it can deliver not only live action but with sounds.

Now the camera zoom out from the room to a city, which means the city is filled with all this kind of rooms and media.

And it turns right in to a picture in an ipod screen. Since ipod video released, it evolves to one of the important way to get information, being upgraded to ipod touch, iphone and ipad.

Zooming out from the ipod, it blends into an white background and it turns to a giant E4 logo.

By all these, the clip means E4 contains all form of media and you see it.

Loanne will draw through scene 1 to 7 in 2D and I will make 3D models and special effects through scene 7 to 12. Whole duration is only 10 seconds so I reckon it is important to draw/make scenes look clear and easy to understand.

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