14 May 2011


  At first, me and loanne were inspired by an animation called "Love & Theft" at the FMX conference. The animation starts with a dot in the middle of the screen and it develops to different shapes by a music progress and it changed to series of different facial expression at the climax and finished with a dot again. It was really simple 2D animation but it interacted with music really well and gave the feeling to the audience that they are absorbed into the animation. As we have provided tunes from E4, we wanted to try something similar to this animation.

  After the fmx, I found this deja-vu image on the internet. The image expresses deja-vu feeling visually with 8 repeating images.

I also reminded director michael gondry's smirnoff ad.

I think above three works are narrated by the stream of consciousness, and by this way, the animation / ad has something draw attention from the audience subconsciously.

Stream of consciousness, the continuous flow of sense‐perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and memories in the human mind; or a literary method of representing such a blending of mental processes in fictional characters, usually in an unpunctuated or disjointed form of interior monologue. The term is often used as a synonym for interior monologue, but they can also be distinguished, in two ways. In the first (psychological) sense, the stream of consciousness is the subject‐matter while interior monologue is the technique for presenting it. In the second (literary) sense, stream of consciousness is a special style of interior monologue: while an interior monologue always presents a character's thoughts ‘directly’, without the apparent intervention of a summarizing and selecting narrator, it does not necessarily mingle them with impressions and perceptions, nor does it necessarily violate the norms of grammar, syntax, and logic; but the stream‐of‐consciousness technique also does one or both of these things. (Wikipedia)

 I found it's really interesting way to continue storyline by the objects which stimulates association. As a tv channel, E4 is strongly connected with media. So we came up with a concept idea of making animation with objects that can be used as a media such as books, magazine, screens, etc.

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